We live in a magical world.
The veil is getting thinner every single day and many of us are beginning to wake up to this new awareness of HyperManifestation.
A place where we collapse time & manifest at HyperSpeed. This is the world that I would love to invite you into with...
✧ A Money Manifestation Program. ✧
Many of us grew up with traumatizing or uncomfortable experiences and stories around money.
These stories that we tell ourselves and that are recorded in our cells distort our energetic relationship with money.
It limits what we allow ourselves to do, be and have. This is limiting our Spirit from expressing its fullest potential on the planet.
Now we have the opportunity to re-write our DNA Codes and the emotional coding in our cells around money. Together, we get to create a whole new relationship and reality with money. One where we allow ourselves to receive simply because we exist.
Releasing the need to prove, to receive.
Releasing the need to be better before we can receive.
Releasing the need to wait until we are ready to be able to receive.
We get to program ourselves to be able to receive in NOW Time. Because multiple Timelines of reality are available to us NOW. Time is not as linear as we 'think'.

For so many years of my life, this was a topic that created a lot of heartache and struggle for me.
This is why I became so passionate to teach others how to liberate themselves around money. You get to feel free. You get to have ALL the things, DO all the things and BE all the things.
You came to the planet to play, learn, grow and EVOLVE.
Taking the time to move through the sticky feelings and emotions around money to awaken next-level money manifestation portals...
is potentially one of the greatest joys and one of the greatest gifts you can offer yourself.
✧ Client love...
Abi Levine
Hypnotherapist, L.A.
Absolutely one of my most joyous clients. I feel absolutely soul honored to get to work with this Divine Goddess Light. Just updating a few ancestral programs, and lots of new energetics were able to unfold for her world. I would highly recommend her as a Hypnotherapist. Voted Best Hypnotherapist in LA several years in a row.
Check out her incredibly powerful content at www.abilevine.com. Thank you for being in my world Abi! Soul grateful for you... xoxo
After our work foundational work together as well as working with other incredible mentors and coaches, she's now gone on to help her clients make over $500 million in the last 2 years.
BLING! is for you if you're ready to...

Quantum leap into a new relationship with money
& access + receive magical money

Tap into the Zero Point Field...
the Quantum Field to create money

Release the energetic shackles of old ways of receiving money
& create new, fun ways to receive money

Open brand NEW PORTALS
for receiving money.
~ A LOVE note from
Dr. Amron Bevels ~
Amron is one of my very favorite clients.
She went from $300 sessions to $30,000 clients.
Seeing her transform has been a dream come true. She was 100% committed to her journey from the very beginning, and it truly shows in her level of transformation.
She courageously takes her women leader clients to their personal next level, and it is such a JOY to experience all the sparkly vibes. Soul loving you, Amron!

Imagine yourself accessing so many new creative ways to access money.
- What if you woke up feeling amazing, strong and confident in your body around money?
- What if you began to see money as your best friend that was reliable, always there and available for you?
- What if money was a solid source of support instead of a thought of stress?
This is my vision for you!
That you get to feel so good and be so empowered around money energy. As a Divine Being in a physical body, you deserve this. You deserve to access the Riches that are your Birth Right.
✧ You deserve to be Highly Compensated in all ways for your Divine Work on the Planet.
We all do.

Whether you are making $1k a month or $1M a month,
if your Spirit has guided you to this program, then most likely this course is for you. I’ve worked with people charging $100 an hour to people who make hundreds of millions of dollars each year and underneath, there are still the same panic emotions and stories that we get to dismantle, set free, and write brand new codes for.
If you’re even thinking about taking this course, I am so excited for you!
Feeling liberated around money energy
is such a blissful feeling... and I want this for you!
What's in the course?

✧ You get to feel fancy inside. ✧
Go beyond what is happening in your external world and train yourself to feel the Bling and vibe it in. You are so magic and you are so worthy. You literally are the DIVINE. You can’t get any more fancy than that.
Now it’s about allowing you to open the doors to your imagination, so you can turn on your inner Oracle and create the thing.
The delivery mechanism for money is masculine.
We get to dive into healing this relationship within ourselves so that we can allow the masculine of the Universe to deliver the goods.

Money is feminine.
The light, airy, spontaneous creative life force. This is why we want to invest it so quickly and it feels like it disappears.
Just like inspiration, it just shows up and comes in so fast. Let’s learn to harness this power and energy and compound this positive energy to supercharge our money world.
You get to become an energetic match to your future - now.
You don’t have to wait for 5-10 years from now. It’s the daily thoughts, feeling, emotions and actions that creates a bridge for us to access our future now.
If there’s something NEW you want to experience, let’s get bold and brave and collapse the timeline to access it now.

When we BE, it’s a specific state of being.
It’s a mindset and a frequency that our Aura emits. This state of being turns into the things that we do. The things that we ‘do’ turn into the things that we have.
I want you to have it all!
And there are some fun keys we get to unlock together in this space. Eeeehhhh!! I’m so excited to open up this portal together!
Energy Investment:
Energy Investment: $1111
or 3 payments or $399

You are such a magical and Divine Being.
You truly get to be, do, feel and have it all. I am so honored and so excited to get to serve you in this work.
✨💸 You get to create money your way!
Let’s co-create this new world together.
All the love,
Your Desires are the Universe Speaking to You.
You get to live your best life NOW.